Tuesday, January 26, 2010

5 generations in one weekend!

Michelle and Dave, and their family, and Mike and Cameron came for a weekend visit. We had a great time together. We took the kids to do handprint and footprint tiles at "Next of Kiln". While we were there, the newspaper showed up and did a story and pictures. We can't wait to see the newspaper! We then went for a photo shoot at Walmart with Grandma Ford-Hamilton. I think they did a wonderful job on the 5 generation shot as well as one of Michelle's family. We had dinner out, and then came back to the house to visit and look through old pictures. They had to leave Sunday in a terrible snowstorm, and it took them 7 hours from Klamath to get home - twice as long as usual. We prayed them there. It was wonderful to goosh on the kids. I love to have family come to visit!