Friday, September 26, 2008

Happy Birthday Cheryl!!!

What a joy it is to celebrate Cheryl Dawn's 39th birthday! I hope it is a happy one for her, even though the"9's" mean another decade is fast approaching. I am exactly 20 years older and I get it - #59 for me this year. I ususally say "hi, blondie", when she calls me on the phone, because I have an instant picture of that touseled blonde hair, right from the beginning curl on the top of her head. Cheryl is a loving mother, wife, sister, and daughter, and we are all very proud of her. She manages a very busy household, that features a full activity schedule for Chloe, Hunter, and Bridger. She teaches Seminary every morning and stays on the run all through her hectic days. I marvel at her strength remembering back to her childhood when asthma had such a grip on her that she was in the hospital a good many times. Her life was spared more than once at that time, and now she serves her family and others continually. I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father for each of my six beautiful daughters, for the blessing they are to me. I hope Cheryl will feel our love for her on her birthday, September 27th and every day. I love her so much!!! Happy birthday sweetie!!! Wish I could be there to share it with you, so eat some cake for me!!


Alexis Hale said...

Aww! Happy Birthday, Cheryl!
Hope you have a great day tomorrow1
Love you!

Unknown said...

Thank you! I got my car rear ended for my birthday!! Yuck! The day is almost over too!

Straight to Your Hart said...

Love the pictures..brings back so many memories...Happy Birthday..Thanks for the photos and your sweet post Mom. Love You!!