Tuesday, April 8, 2008

April showers...

Yesterday I thought it might be good to start looking for asparagus on the ditchbank as a nice and healthy springtime activity. Today, however, it was snowing hard with 3 or 4 inches of snow on the ground. I headed out to the pasture with a wheelbarrow full of hay for the horse and sheep. As I swung the large gate open to enter, I slipped for the first time this l o n g winter and fell flat on my bum with the hay tipping over on top of me. The horse and the sheep just stood over me looking at me like, "what the h---?" Quite humbled, I got up and finished my chores, including giving that sarcastic horse a bowl of warm mash to eat, while I rubbed my sore bum. I glanced at my coat sleeve for some reason, and there was a solitary snowflake, the most beautiful I have ever seen. It was minature, and perfectly shaped in a striking swirl pattern. All of a sudden, the snow around me was okay. Even though I haven't seen a flower yet this spring in my yard, there is still beauty all around, and I know the flowers will come. But today, I got to enjoy
winter in one more tiny, yet significant way. We may not know what tomorrow might bring, but we can find treasures all along the way each day.

1 comment:

Straight to Your Hart said...

It's those small moments that are the most refreshing even in the winter, haying the animals, falling on your bum, secretly wanting the throw a snowball at the horse (oh, wait that is me, sorry, got away from myself, LOL)..etc..Hope your bum is okay and that you are feeling better. We are going to get your storm.

Yesterday Sara went out and picked up some hail and put it into the freezer...she was so thrilled to share with her sisters after school...that was my small moment in such cold weather and sickness..."Little" blessings in big packages!! Love you, Mel